tips for managing holiday stress & anxiety

The holidays are filled with family, fun, exciting activities and celebrations! It can also mean different sleep and eating patterns, varied and less predictable daily schedules, and new environments with unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells/tastes and movements. 

For all kiddos, but especially kiddos with sensory processing challenges, the holidays can also be stressful and anxiety provoking without support.  Try implementing (or sticking to) these 4 tips during this holiday season:

  1. Exercise: Maintain a consistent level of daily physical exercise and sensory input.

  2. Routine: Try to keep a routine even when the routine looks different. Incorporate familiar daily activities at the same time as you did at home.

  3. Sleep: This is a priority! Try to maintain your typical bedtime routine. Fostering good sleep hygiene for your child will help them to process sensory information more efficiently.

  4. Patience: Be patient with yourself, your family, your guests and your kiddos! Try to remember that change is not always easy and the holidays can bring about a lot of it - new toys, new people, new places, new food, new lights, new sounds. So take a deep breath and encourage others to do the same. Find some quiet time and space, take a walk, listen to quiet music, read a book, doodle, snuggle … now help your kiddos do the same.

Have more questions about how to support your child? What to learn more of Dr. Amy’s OT tips for managing the sensory overload that can be par for the course during this time of year?  Drop us a line or send us a message on Facebook or Instagram.

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